Holy Bitch Diary: March 20th, 2024

Holy Bitch Diary 📖March 20th, 2024. 🦈 My fake parents are in such a mess that they attempted to recognise me as their dead and L.O.S.T. daughter today. Since I was leaving the apartment on Maslennikova 16-13 left all my belongings and documents there, these two bastards apparently already drowning so much with their drools quickly to pick up my property that they decided not to wait for my death, which this time came only for Harry, but just to recognize me missing, and it's the end of the end. The result of DNA tests shows that these two bastards are not just my parents, but also not the children of my grandparents, and they don't care about it. It's not my cup of tea to write about them, so let those who will put them back in the cage deal with their topic. So I'm alive, quite active, and I wasn't going to be L.O.S.T. I am reiterating my explanation of ritual killing to you. As the second stream of the Roman clergy corporation, the territorial and financial targets remained on the agenda of the Borja dynasty of hereditary poisoners. As one's ambitions increased, the simple act of poisoning one monarch or a couple of cardinals was no longer enough. The process of killing one by one was long and uninteresting, as the desire to manage all the kings and commonwealth would be delayed by such a rapid pace. Therefore, a weapon that was reliable and massive was necessary. In 1812, the relatives of Borja, during the war, applied the chemical weapon of mass poisoning named as a phosgene, the synonym is L.O.S.T., that has the meaning "Illuminating," "Light Bringing." The another one synonym of the phosgene, the Light Bringer, is the well known word Lucifer, which has the same meaning, and also is a synonym to the word "Satan," "Devil." As the recent disclosure of the Vatican's archives showed, during the WWII, the RCC supported fascism, and helped this part of the 3rd Reich to escape to the Latin America. Every serial murderer is rendered vanishingly clean and holy by the priest's attire, without any chemistry. As soon as the chemical weapon of mass murders was invented, it allowed to the RCC to introduce the new sort of the rituals - human heap leaching, serial mass murder of the hereditary dynasts by using the invisible, almost perfect poison - the gas, and new sort of liturgy to serve the goddess of the RCC which allow to kill, steal, lye, and greed. The gas, which is invisible, non-selective, mimics natural death, and is very hard to protect, became the perfect weapon for mass murder. The identification of gaseous substances is the most difficult among other methods of poisoning, which made gas a perfect weapon of the RCC under the guidance of the Borjia dynastic clan. The status of a totalitarian religious sect well-equipped with military weapons is not the only characteristic of the RCC. The RCC has a very specific way of executing crimes, selecting a specific date for them, and committing them in a special ritual way, leaving traces that explain why the crime was committed and why this particular victim was chosen. The RCC is characterized by its maniac fixation on dates and meticulous ritual in the theatre performance genre, and the secondary property of digits. The 9th Av is the first set of vivid examples that confirm the RCC's maniac fixation on a certain date to carry out serial mass murder, which dates back to the so-called Jewish wars. The story of 9 Av starts from the epoch of the destruction of the first cathedral by the Babylonian king Navuhudonosor. Just a reminder: the Holy Roman Empire was a legal successor of it, and the RCC performed the functions of the state power as well. The RCC as a successor of both, became famous due to the Jewish wars, when with the extraordinary cruelty, the population of Jerusalem was murdered using hunger, dehydration, and the main cathedral was broken after the Roman warriors committed the ritual of the satanic sacrifiction on the altar dedicated to the God of Israel. The events that occurred during the Jewish wars were duplicated later during WWI-WWII, including the technologies of human heap leaching and the events of the 9 Av. The RCC has demonstrated its long-standing adherence to ritual serial mass murders of Jews connected to 9 Av for centuries. Despite the fact that the RCC is the ultimate state power authority and its predecessors destroyed Cathedral I and Cathedral II, the ritual of committing serious mass murders and committing ritual crimes against Jews on 9 Av has become the tradition of the RCC. The maniacal fixation on a specific historical date to commit ritual crimes throughout the decades has become the distinctive trait of the ritual mass murders committed by the RCC. - The destruction by King Navohudanosor of the first cathedral built by King Solomon followed by 70 years of detention (year 3338 by JC). - The destruction of the second cathedral by Titus Vespasian and the Siege of Jerusalem in 68 years. - The Cathedral's mountain's surface was defaced by Romans. - Capture of the Beytar by Romans and murder of the leader of the rebellion, during which more than 600,000 Jews, warrios, and civilians were murdered by Romans. Over 1000 Jewish cities were demolished, and almost all Jewish land has been turned into barren land. However, the mass murder of Jews and ritual dececreation were not the only things committed on 9 Av. The Crussades of the RCC, for their start, also chose these dates. On 9 Av, Pope Urban II announced the First Crusade in 1095, which resulted in the murder of thousands of Jews and the destruction of many of their living communities. Jewish communities in Germany and France were destroyed during the 2nd Crusade in 1146. The Jews departed England in 1290 on 9 Av. In 1306, on 9 Av occurred the departure of jews out of France, and, all their property they had to leave in France. In1348, the slander on jews that they have organized the "Black death" pandemic that resulted in brutal mass murders of jews on 9 Av. In 1492, on 9 Av the Borja fake dynasts, king Ferdinand Aragonsky and queen Isabella I issued the paper to departure the jews out of Spain. On 9 Av in 1555, the jews of Rome were departured in the first getto in history. Thus, the first getto for jews has been created by Romans, in 1555. In the death camps of the WWII, the imprisoned should be grouped for the small groups consisting of 5 people. The conclusion is that the Holocaust did not start during the WWII, and has the history beginning since ancient time, and in the history, the Romans (the RCC), and the countries from which the Borjia dynasty has the roots (Spain and Italy), were the pioneers in the Holocaust. The WWII is just a one more Crussade [in particular, the symbolics], and this fact directly adresses these crimes to the group that organized and managed the Crussades in the history: the RCC as the state power captured by the Borja dynasty. In 1567, all the rest of Jews in Italy were departured to the Getto as well on 9 Av. In 1648 the mass ritual massacre of jews committed by Bogdan Khmelnitsky and his army in Poland Ukraine, Bessarabia, on 9 Av. In 13th centuries for the Crussades the RCC has used the Teutonic Order, in 17th century this role played Khmelnitsky, in 20th century the role of ritual serial mass murderers during the Crussades organized by the RCC, has been played by outsourcers: Osman Empire, NSDAP, Neo Nazis, Drug Cartels, and so on. Nobody discovered the equality between the subjects committed the crime, thus, they were unpunished. On 9 Av in 1882, the massacres and destruction of jewes communions in Russia took place. As long as nobody stopped the RCC, they were not satisfied just with the jews. In the WWI, millions of slavs, nobles, aristocracy, armenians, were brutally murdered in the death camps and during the war campaign. The appetites has been growing. In 1942, the deportation of jews out of Warsaw ghetto to the death camps has been started, and the branch of Maidanek, Treblinka death camp began its operations on 9Av. In 2005, on 9 Av the departure of the jews out of Gasa and North Samaria occurred. 🖤Follow: #holybitchdiary


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