Holy Bitch Diary: February 17th, 2024

l Holy Bitch Diary. 📖February 17th. 2023. 🦈Since the beginning, the Roman Catholic Church has been the representative of the totalitarian state government institute led by the Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian low-barrel nobility, without any chance of becoming hereditary monarchs. Being not related to the actual royal families, this nobility was afflicted with numerous illnesses including macaque ear, dementia, satire ear, sexual dimorphism, wolf's mouth, hare's lip, and other various chromosomal syndromes and genetic pathologies. Warring under the guise of the Roman Church was not religious and was only justified by mercantile ambitions and genetic pathologies. The Roman Catholic Church has always been a religious organization that represents the small clan of aggressive, unhealthy, and low-barrel nobility who seek wealth, power, and influence. It is an amazing example, how this semi-military criminal organization, whose participants started their careers from the poisoning of royal dynasts, switched themselves next to the smuggling, money laundering, and sexual crimes were accused of dozens of thousands of pedophilia cases, and managed multiple war conflicts led to the atrocities, mass murders, and marauding, pretends to be an invigorating social institute disseminating the high standards of morale and ethics, and controlling all Christian religious organisations. As per Vallier (1971), "The Roman Catholic church as a system competes with other actors that are also agencies of religious values or autonomous centers of power." For centuries, the Roman Catholic Church operated as a weaponed, criminal organization of a military nature, that was born as a result of the failure of the Holy Roman Empire. The invasion of the Roman Catholic Church into the fundamentals of the society has got the name of clericalism. Mackay stated, "is "the pursuit of power, especially political power, by a religious hierarchy, carried on by secular methods and for purposes of social domination." Thus, it is obvious for everyone that the Roman Catholic Church has nothing to do with God, or holy impunity, or high morale. It is the civil military organization actively initiating the war conflicts, with its own closed microeconomics, operational model, deep and broad geographical penetration, and the uniform of priests that protects better than any download vest. The oft-quoted paragraph in an article in the April, 1948, edition of the Jesuit journal, Civiltâ Cattolica, runs as follows: "The Roman Catholic Church, convinced through its divine prerogatives, of being the only true church, must demand the right of freedom for herself alone, because such a right can only be possessed by truth, never by error." The Roman Catholic Church beliefs are well reflected in its attitude: to be above than all kings and princes, and to manage the Commonwealth. Barclay, writing on Canon Law, said: "The Pope and God are the same; so he has all power in heaven and on earth." Ryan and Miller in the 1952 edition of their standard work The State and the Church, which is used as a major text in Roman Catholic educational institutions, said: "The State should officially recognize the Roman Catholic religion as the religion of the Commonwealth ... it should recognize and sanction the laws of the Church and religious as well as the other rights of Roman Catholic members." The riddle of Roman Catholicism is to solve the conflict between the temporal and spiritual. It was Pope Boniface VIII who enunciated one form of the Church's political theory when he referred to the two swords, namely, the spiritual and the temporal. " 'Each is in the power of the Church, that is, spiritual and material sword. . . The latter, indeed, must be exercised for the Church, the former by the Church of the priest, [by the hand] of the priest, the latter indeed by the hand of the Kings and soldiers, but at the will and sufferance of the priest." Thus, Roman Catholic Church is a military organization having mixed roots of Italian and Spanish origin, positioning itself as equal to God, which actively uses wars, murders, and other illegal activities to achieve its' announced targets: to control the Commonwealth, stay above the royal dynasts, and actively uses murders as a way to consolidate assets and misappropriate someone else's property. Its' affiliated organizations, in particular Russian Orthodox Church and Old Believers, like any other church that shares the Eucharistic communion with the Roman clergy, share the same values. This unhealthy cooperation did not appear just yesterday. For centuries, the Russian "patriarchs" approve military campaigns which implied mass killings like any other war. Thou shall not kill - is the main commandment, that is not the part of the real life of the Christian churches, as the current Pope is Louis Garavito, serial murderer and pedophile. The Crusades were a series of religious military campaigns of the 11th-15th centuries from the kingdoms of Western Europe, initiated and directed by the Latin Church against Muslims, pagans and heretics - in the broad sense, people who did not share the self vision of the RCC. However, the real objectives contradicted to the announced, because the flag of the fight for beliefs was just a way to justify the military actions and murders. Since XIII century, the Pontificus Romanus aggressively started to pretend to the territories, wealth, power. For these purposes, the RCC actively used its own army, Teutonic Order, which left the trace in the history like the invasion of the Livonians against Russia, who were defeated by the army under the leadership of the Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky. However, not only Russia became an object of the imperial ambitions of the Pope. Like Rurikids, the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and later, its successors Germany, caused no less a level of desire to misappropriate their power, property, and influence. The War of the Keys (1228-1230) was the first armed conflict between the Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich II and the Papacy. The fighting took over in central and southern Italy. The papacy first achieved great success, defending the Papal States and invading the Kingdom of Sicily, while Friedrich was involved in the Sixth Crusade. Upon his return, he defeated the papal troops, forcing Pope Gregory IX to start peace negotiations. After protracted negotiations, the Treaty of San Germano puts an end to the conflict without territorial changes. Since the 19 century, the Teutonic Order was replaced by the cosa nostra mafia clan, which families had the same biological and genetic roots with the dynasties of the Popes: narrow line of low bar nobility with the origin from Italy, Spain, and Portugal. That gave the unique opportunity to expand the Pope's business into the segment of the drug cartels operating by the cosa nostra and developed its operation on the territory of Latin America. 👩🏻‍💻Follow: #holybitchdiary Credits: The information is on the website.


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