Holy Bitch Diary: February 11th, 2024

📖February 11th, 2024 🦈Many of us remember the multicolour doors in the animation film Monsters Inc. But not many of people know that these doors have nothing to do with fun and happiness, and in fact it is not for the kids at all. In Ireland and Scotland there is a tradition to paint the doors in different colors as a symbol to protest against the direction to paint the doors in a black color as a sign of mourning after the death of Queen Victoria. Using this symbol in the video for kids is the sophisticated rebellion, not the amusing story. Once you understand the real meaning of the central visual row in the film, you will easily grasp the true meaning of the film's fable, which is completely different from the usual story. The historical events of the rebellion in the 13 Nord-Ost states, which were once British colonies that were becoming stronger and more stable, are commemorated in this artwork. However, they neglected to thank those who assisted them. So much so that many years later, this plot becomes part of a very exquisite ritual desecration of the memory of legitimate British monarchs. Organized crime and religious totalitarian sects are typically known for their ability to master sophisticated ritual desecration. On February 6th, me and my two dogs were deadly poisoned by the phosgene gas in the flat 13 on Maslennikova 16. The "hesitating father" prohibited me to open the window. Thus, both "parents" tanujshka and stinky sent me to their handmade gas chamber organized in the kinda ordinary flat. The story is totally disgusting, and deserves the special purpose post with the documents, thus, follow me on Pinterest and Instagram, where I place the substantial evidence. The stinky, who probably forgot that I have the genetic tests, and based on the tests, he is neither my biological father nor the son of my grandma for the kinship with whom this idiot pretends, because the stinky's mom has been born wherever except the any possible birthplace of my grandma. And even the corpses of my grandparents are destroyed (because nobody knows what kind of other surprises in addition to the phosgene the stinky, tanujshka, and their colleagues prepared), there still be enough objects for the DNA tests of my grandparents which is called "extraction of DNA from a non-standard carrier." A well-worn pair of slippers of my grandparents, or my dad's own photos - and there is a non-standard source that not only easily determines the absence of biological kinship of the stinky-clown with my family, but also the fact of the lack of identity of the stinky-clown and my dad. But the idiots continue to think that the poisoning with phosgene can be invisible, and nobody discovers this. Mental retardation and bravery are the typical genetic pathology of any criminal. Stinky really continues to think, that 10k rubles to bury the murdered dog Harry, my lovely boy, will excuse him and tanujshka for the poisoning of me, the murder of all my dogs, poisoning of neighbors and their kids - phosgene does not act selectively, as obvious. So my boy, my Harry, left me, because stinky and tanujshka successfully murdered all my dogs and my grandparents, probably decided that their happiness will be lasting forever. The topic of these winners of Darwin award and phosgene is the part of the Monsters Inc. story, so to be consistent for longer lasting pleasure of the phosgene ritual murder transcription, I need to complete first to tell the story about the genuine origin of the "holy pope" leading the church with the dozens of thousand pedophile crime cases. In fact, the work of the pontiffs and their basic vital interests have not changed, as directly follows from the events I describe. But the real fame came to Borgia in Italy, where the family was represented by two popes - Calixtus III and Alexander VI - and two dozen cardinals. The first of the pontiffs, who bore the name Alfonso in the world, was famous for his scandalous connection with his sister Joanna. This is considered to be her son of Alexander VI - Rodrigo Borgia. Perhaps this long-term incest really owed the life of someone whom the Catholics themselves later called "misfortune for the church" and "the pharmacist of Satan." Many historians consider the further rule of this personality to be the reason for the Reformation. It's not so much about the accumuration and outright patronage of his dynasty, but about the terrible debauchery of the pontiff who wants to the fair sex. Back in Spain, he seduced an elderly lady whose youngest daughter Rosa Vanozzi also became his mistress. By the time Rodrigo moved to the Vatican, they already had two sons, Giovanni and Cesare, and in 1480 the girl Lucretia was born. However, the loving Alexander VI was not limited to this union: the annals have preserved the names of many other concubines of the sacrilege, who also gave him children. According to rumors, Rodrigo's daughter Borgia Lucretia was in a love affair with her father and brothers. She actually lived in the papal cenaries, tempting thousands of believers. The pontiff's entourage frankly outraged the impudence with which the girl interfered in her father's affairs, tried to read his correspondence and even solve the issues of punishment and rewarding cardinals. Due to many years of incest and debauchery, the Borgia clan began to be distinguished by clearly noticeable genetic pathologies, and among them are Satir's ear, Williams syndrome, Down syndrome, Cliffstra syndrome, and a number of other linked chromosomal pathologies. Having received power, "dad" Cesare Borgia made the gain as his goal and justified it by any means. The Pope continued the tradition of convoking the Crusades to replenish his treasures with gold. At the same time, Alexander VI went beyond his predecessors: he regularly convened noble nobles and wealthy priests to agaps, during which his guests "unexpectedly" gave their soul to God, and their wealth passed into the papal hands. One of the witnesses of these lawlessness wrote with horror: "Alexander VI with feverish greed robbed both the living and the dead. The greatest pleasure for him was the sight of human blood." Borgia and bloodless methods of murder were widely used, which made him famous all over the world - as well as the talents of papal chemists, who constituted rare poisons for Alexander VI. One of these poisons caused the death of the poisoner himself. In 1503, Alexander VI shared the fate of many of his victims - he had lunch in the villa with cardinals and drank wine, after which he felt very bad and died on August 18. His corpse swelled unusually quickly, and this is a sure sign of the influence of strong poison. Most likely, by mistake, dad tried the drink made by his son for the owner of the villa. It is not surprising that the priests of St. Peter's Cathedral refused to bury such a pontiff in the church, and Pope Pius III forbade serving funeral masses for his soul. But, the mass poisoning of legal heirs was not the only one of the cute hobbies of the Borja dynasty. The other one hobby of "holy church" were the ongoing wars. 🖤Follow: #meggigöring Credits: Rycroft, W. S. (1961). ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERICALISM. Journal of Church and State, 3(2), 172–182. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23913119 Vallier, I. (1971). The Roman Catholic Church: A Transnational Actor. International Organization, 25(3), 479–502. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2706052 Villa-Flores, J. (2020). A remedy and a poison: perjury and trust in Bourbon Mexico. Colonial Latin American Review, 29:3, 495-516, DOI: 10.1080/10609164.2020.179865 Davis, B. D. (1975). Social Determinism and Behavioral Genetics. Science, 189(4208), 1049–1049. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1740264 Parens, E. (1996). Taking Behavioral Genetics Seriously. The Hastings Center Report, 26(4), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.2307/3527601 Schultz, C. E. (2010). The Romans and Ritual Murder. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 78(2), 516–541. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40666530


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