Holy Bitch Diary: February 17th, 2024

l Holy Bitch Diary. 📖February 17th. 2023. 🦈Since the beginning, the Roman Catholic Church has been the representative of the totalitarian state government institute led by the Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian low-barrel nobility, without any chance of becoming hereditary monarchs. Being not related to the actual royal families, this nobility was afflicted with numerous illnesses including macaque ear, dementia, satire ear, sexual dimorphism, wolf's mouth, hare's lip, and other various chromosomal syndromes and genetic pathologies. Warring under the guise of the Roman Church was not religious and was only justified by mercantile ambitions and genetic pathologies. The Roman Catholic Church has always been a religious organization that represents the small clan of aggressive, unhealthy, and low-barrel nobility who seek wealth, power, and influence. It is an amazing example, how this semi-military criminal organization, whose participants started their careers from the poisoning...