Holy Bitch Diary: January 16th, 2024.

📖January 16th, 2024 🦈Today, I continue to tell the whole story about those whose third name is Reich. I start from the turning point, where I stopped on December 21st 2023: the process of heap leaching of humans in the gas chambers by using the cyanid, Cyclone B gas, meticulously reproducing the technology, which applied in the gold mining and precious metals metallurgy. As follows from the analysis of the complete mechanics of the process of ritual mass killing of people in gas chambers in death camps, and the disposal of their remains, the metallurgical technology of heap leaching of gold with the help of cyanide was applied to people. Like a gold mining pit, the humans were "processed" by the cyanide, to gather the concentrated raw gold. The process that occurred in gas chambers, has involved the maximum disposal of any valuables, and monetization of everything (high value-low yield rock), that could only be extracted from the victim (gangue), including the victim's corpse. That is, the process was invented, organized and implemented by a somebody, who knew the metallurgy of gold perfectly. And it is a turning point of the whole story. To know precisely in-depth the technology of precious metals metallurgy, but not just "to know" - to love this industry, because to reproduce its core production process with a maniac fixation on the details, this Somebody should really love this craft. Thus, initially Somebody must have been a metallurgist. Consequently, the person who organised the process of human heap leaching in the death camps during the WWII, was an experienced gold metallurgist of an ethnicity, which respects gold as the most valuable thing in the world. In other words, to deify gold. So, the profile of Somebody, an inventor of the death camps and gas chambers, becomes more and more narrow - he is a very experienced metallurgist who is perfectly familiar with the technology of gold mining, gold enrichment, and gold processing, native of a country where there is a cult of gold, which is deified. If we ask anybody to respond who did commit the serial mass murders in the death camps during the WWII, probably everyone will answer - Nazi Germany. Remembering the massive sources of literature that describes the regular profile of the "fascist," the mass PR focuses on ethnic Germans, accentuating that Germans are fascists who committed genocide and awful war crimes. During the post-war trials, including Nurnberg, the ethnic Germans were really accused of creation of death camps, and gas chambers, and mass murders of people through the gas poisoning in the gas chambers, followed by the marauding to collect the gold from the corpses. Also, during the trials, a souvenir made of a dried human head was demonstrated. And finally, those who were accused during the trials, in particular, Nüremberg, were punished also for war crimes, a major part of which was the cruelly termination of civilians, followed by such serial atrocities as: taking huge portions of blood, cutting of cheeks, lips and nose, burning humans alive, curving out of female breasts. Once again, these atrocities were implied to ethnic Germans, and everywhere, in every book or newspaper or magazine, or any other source, those who committed these crimes were named as "German fascists," "Germans," "troops of Nazi Germany." In principle, everything looked very persuasive not only for laymen, but even for pretty well qualified lawyers, historians, linguists, and other respectful members of the society pretending to be academic and scientific, in their discussions with regards to the WWII. If we look on the world map of resources, the largest gold mining companies operate predominantly in the following geographical areas: North and South Americas and Australia. The stock exchange tailored for mining, is the only one, and it is situated in Canada. I am not talking now about the geography of the resources, because we are interested to identify the person who is highly smart and intelligent in gold mining, and these properties are attributed to the business (the company), not the country. In the list, there are no German companies, and Germany itself does not have the gold resources. Thus, the ethnic German would be unable to be a gold mining professional, except he worked for a long time outside Germany. Germany is the country, where the most distributed religion is Christianity. In Christianity, there are numerous elements in the cult related to the gold, but gold itself does not used as a sacral object, instead - gold is used as an element of the deal with the highest power, being sacrificed to the benefit from God. In contrast, in the death camps operational model implies the accumulation of the extracted gold. However, the cults of gold existed in the territories of South America, which is overlapping by geography with the country of residence for the largest gold mining companies. The dried heads, which were distributed in the Buchenwald like souvenirs, called "tsantsa." It is the typical ritual trophy circulated in Latin America. It is there that it is made, and there is extensive experience in the production of this kind of nauseating souvenirs. In Latin America, to sacrifice blood in big quantities, was an element of the cults of gold. To cut off nose, cheeks, lips, was a part of typical ritual human sacrifice in Latin America as well. It was believed that without human sacrifice the sun would not rise. Thus, we are dealing with the solar cult, feeling big love of gold. The Swastika, that was explained for decades as an element of the Reich credited from the Sanskrit, in fact can be met in the traditional ornaments of the Latin America. Here, this notable sign of the cross has a distribution much broader, than the swastika in ancient India. While the swastika in Sanskrit was an aged element of early centuries, the Reich's cross is widely used and can be observed in everyday life even of modern Latin America, in traditional ornaments. To infuse the so called "Gold of the 3rd Reich" into the business turnover in Russia during the time after 1946, the following companies were established: Slater, Eldorado, Bananamama, Sunrise. Slater is a homonym to the word "butcher" - "Slayter." Eldorado, by the legend of Latin America, in particular the ethnicity where the solar cult of the Gold existed, was a secret city where is the gold treasure hidden. Latin America still is a largest producer and exporter of bananas. Sunrise was a central element of the Latin American cult of gold, where the human blood was necessary to sacrifice, otherwise, the sun won't rise. So, did you say "Nazi Germany?" 🖤Follow me: #meggigöring


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