Holy Bitch Diary: November 7th, 2023

📖07.11.2023 🦈As an ambassador of the UoPeople, yesterday I answered questions on Quora about the advantages of the university. I honestly replied that the first is American accreditation, and the well-known quality of education on the market, thanks to which graduates continue their studies in such titans in the global education market as MIT. And, in fact, that's where I aim to continue my medical and engineering education. That's why I get used to MIT, what is called, from diapers: by entering into my busy class schedule at MIT and EdX, in addition to basic training at UoPeople. I'm crawling slowly in the given direction. The second advantage of UoPeople is the composition of teachers and professors: they are the same people who teach in the most famous and famous educational institutions, and participate in the non-profit project the UoPeople, which provided me with a study grant, and I study absolutely free of charge. I'm sure many would not refuse to study at Calltech, MIT, HLS, Stanford, and other educational institutions for free. At UoPeople, education, training programs, infrastructure are essentially a set of best practices of universities, where many can only dream of studying. I am very grateful for the opportunity given to me, and I make every effort to justify both the hopes expressed by the scholarship grant granted to me, and the attitude towards me by my classmates, teachers, and the administration of the program under which I study. As everything in our lives ends, I finished the first two subjects at the university with a grade of 97.86% and 100%. The American grading system is different from the Russian one, if you translate it to the GPA scale and the five-point system we know, I finished the first semester with GPA 4.0 and an A+ grade. I think it's a good result. For me personally, this is a subject for joy and pride, not everyone can study in the U.S. for GPA 4.0 with an A+ grade. Thirdly, the UoPeople is an online university, and represents unlimited flexibility in planning your own educational process. Contrary to stereotypes, learning online is more difficult than in conventional traditional surface-educational institutions. The result of studying in an online educational institution and progress reflects the objective honest result of the totality of knowledge gained, understanding and application in real life. As in any online university, I didn't have to visit it in person to take the exam, but I took the exam online. It's impossible to write off the exam because there's nowhere to be. Either you know or you don't. With this in mind, I had to take the exam not only when the stinky flashed in the background, which shone with a kokoshnik at the back, cutting the music for pedophiles (well, you know, KPop, which is performed by Asian girls-nymphets). The stinky is proud of them as his own children, puts their photos on heis avatars, and generally knows everything about the life of these anime princesses. This gives an answer to many questions about the stinky and his degree of kinship with me. While I was preparing for the exam and taking the exam, the stinky tried his best: smelled, hysterical, threw shit, told everyone together with his girlfriend tanushka that I was kind of crazy (with GPA 4.0 and A+ grade, obviously), and hacked the idiotic music. So the stinky with tanyshka tried so hard to poison me and my dogs that now I have not only dogs with a certificate of poisoning, but also on sick leave at the same time as poisoning and allergies. Well, what to do, I can't stand mustard gas, carbon monoxide, shit and stinky urine. So I passed the exam being in a state of poisoning and allergies together. Now it's time to sum up the contribution of individuals, tanyshka and stinky with such a degree of stupidity and disgust that instead of participating in the programs for the Darwin Award "Dementia and Courage," these two bastards tried to claim the title of my parents. The contribution made by these motherfckers to my health and success is as follows: - Loss of reproductive function by 50% due to surgical intervention carried out to me at the insistence of these bastards and ectopic pregnancy, fetal violence; - Injury to all joints of the right leg, deformation of the right shin and hip; - Many accute allergy cases; - Closed craniocerebral trauma, cut head injury in my dog, cut back injury in my dog; - Closed abdominal injury, ovarian rupture, contusion of internal organs; - Trauma of the lumbosacral spine; - Numerous bruises and hematomas of soft tissues; - Drop of vision up to -7 in both eyes; - Numerous poisonings of me and my dogs, as a result of which 5 dogs died, 2 miraculously survived, and I'm on sick leave now; - Theft of title documents on my business and property; - Rewriting in violation of the court decision and according to forged documents of the apartment I inherited in Samara (Maslennikova 16-13) to a down prostitute with frontal dementia daughter of tanushka and stinky; - Sale of two apartments owned by me, with the appropriation of money received from the sale; - Theft and damage to my personal belongings and photos, documents; - Performance with my robbery and eviction from Ramazanova and Fomina's apartments; - Arson of the apartment where I was; - Spreading slander that I allegedly have a mental disorder in order to avoid criminal liability. Not bad for "parents," isn't it? It's amazing how many trusting listeners were found, from among my former friends and acquaintances, who fell for their fables, and participated in crimes against me. No wonder I've completely cleared my social circle. In fact, I just did as I was taught at the university. In Russia, there is such a saying with whom you will lead, that's what you'll get. Something similar exists in the United States, only in the form of already issued textbooks that teach not to hang out like shit in an ice hole from office to office, from credit to credit, from institute to institute, but which teach you to succeed. In the United States, students are taught to succeed from the first semester, and primarily to succeed in their studies, the principles of which are easily extrapolated to all other spheres of life. A person who studied at an American college or university, he is learned for success, which consists not from the fact that he has an uncle Rothschild, or he paid someone to write an essay for him or put a credit, as in Russia, but from a lot of personal work based on knowledge and special practices how to succeed. So, success management begins with your own environment, the first postulate of which reads: choose who you spend time with, remove from the environment people with a negative attitude, and all the losers who have achieved nothing in life. Losers, stupid, whiners, ignorant, lazy people with problems, single mothers, whores, latent alcoholics, complex jerks will attract to you and into your life exactly this - what they splash on the ears every day. You won't succeed with such an environment. What is worth a stinky with tanushka and their prostitute down daughter Lera, which it turned out to be necessary to clean up from my life and biography in order to do serious business. And at the same time, together with them, I had to clean up all the "friends" according to the instructions of College Success. In the vacant place, there was immediately space for study, new classes, business and work. So I recommend, the College Success book, it helps a lot. Learn to study at an American college - and no MBA will be needed. 🖤Follow me: #meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #ceoboost #ceohasheight #gediminid #rurikids #houseofskjold #meggifromhouseofskjold #meggifromskjold #carlovingians #daughterofskjold #intheblack #boost #boostcmg #hasheight #roadup #2R #turnaroundguide #ultraantifraud #rbs #rbsmoscow #raevskayabusinessschool #bleksheep #bleksheepdigitalfarm #boostbta #pimpmybusiness #businesstuningatelier #businessplayhouse #blacksarcasmblog #holybitchdiary #moscow #russia #impactinvesting #impactinvestments


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