Holy Bitch Diary: November 26th, 2023
📖November 26th, 2023.
🦈Steve Jobs said: "You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your God, destiny, life, karma, whatever."
Frankly speaking, when several years ago I chose the background photo for the toxic assets section, I never mind that it would shoot to 10. To sign, seal, and pack 20000+ of pages polluted with the mustard gas is a job for bold women with knowledge and courage. Also, during the signing, I intensively studied, and made a lot of handwritten notes. Today, I found out that my quite expensive and specific ball pens were ended, and I tried to use the old pens bought in Auchan, at the discount price. You know, signing of 20K+ papers worth it, to understand the difference between the good ball pen, and the bad ball pen: the speed of signing and the efforts spent are incomparable. But signing of 20K+ mustard gas papers made dramatic changes of my attitude not only to ball pens, opening of windows to ventilate, triple floor disinfection per day, and to many other things. Something in the air, probably the 20+K is a mysterious number. I am kidding, for sure.
A long time ago, when I was a hired employee, I was punished and ashamed for my love to details, and scrutiny attention to the bottom level of business processes. It was a really stupid thing - everybody from the bosses wanted to see the "big picture," but did not want to spend the time for the details. In their opinion, details are excessive, and the big dicks (literally) are too big to dive into them. What can I say. With this level of defective self-reflection and missing higher-order skills including critical thinking, these people probably shall use instead of toilet paper (it's too small), the truly big industrial rolls of wrapper packaging (the size shall fit their asses well).
The problem is, that they couldn't understand the big picture without understanding of the details. In our lives, everything is guided by the laws of 3 main natural sciences - chemistry, physics, maths. As any atom reproduces the properties of matter, as in our life, the "big picture" consists of myriads of details. Being unaware with them is something like try to treat the certain decease without knowing the properties of medications, and how do they affect the biochemistry and biophysics of the human organism. But this is not the only example of the analogue of natural science to our simple prosaic life.
Two atoms can form a molecule, if they share their electrons, having an overlapping areas of their orbitals. In human lives, the same principle works. If you haven't something to share with another human, you will never form together something bigger than staying alone. The probably one of the most representative scenarios, when we observed marriages where except common kids, there is nothing to share between two atomic spouses. Let me note, that the having a kid form a sharing of electrons between the kid and each of parents, but do not form the sharing common electrons between spouses. Thus, the kid will never make 2 aliens closer to each other. The marriage of two people who have nothing to share except kid, will end very soon, like any other unstable chemical combination.
For sure, it works not only for family relationships, it's apply in every sphere of our lives. If you have nothing common with the spouse, work, boss, subordinates, friends, hobby, and so on, they will be cleared away.
ILooking back to the story of the dots, and details, I attempt to combine these two together. As noted above, today I completed to sign and seal the BOOST paper archive, with the evidence materials for the criminal case. I signed and sealed more than 20000 of paper pages, which were polluted by the mustard gas, and this chemical was put on my documents by the people, whom I considered as family members, friends and colleagues. My lovely dogs were poisoned by the same people. Whilst I attempted to rescue my dogs, my fake family members poisoned them, and the most disgusting thing is that during this time they continue to use my wealth, money, drive the car presented by me, live in the flat rented by me, weared the apparel presented by me, and arrive to my flat where the dogs were poisoned at cost of mine. I was almost no surprises at all, when it was found out later, that this "family" participated not only in housing issue, and poisoning of my dogs, but also in theft of my Porsche 911 Turbo S, and raider capture of my property to inherit it after my death. Yes, these are the same actors on the shapito circus - Stinky, Tanushka, down prostitute Lera, and their employers Sistema "Sberalfa-VTB." I can imagine their KPIs and bonus plans. These guys all together, they are absolutely unlawful not only in terms of criminal law, but in terms of chemistry, physics, biology, and healthy logic. These incredibly stupid idiots sincerely believed that nobody will identify the mustard gas, and will consider the pollution by the oxygen mustard gas like a leakage from the roof. By their opinion, the mustard gas is an invisible, odorless substance killing fast without traces, so the stupid rabbit will never understand the true reason of acute pneumonia, kidneys insufficiency, pulmonary and brain oedema, gastroenterocolitis, cystitis, and other recognizable charms. So, the connecting the dots - analyses of all my poisoned dogs, myself, my both grand-moms, and granddads (both died from acute pneumonia - typical consequence of mustard gas influence), for sure was not planned at all. Huge mistake. And for sure, these poisoners-beginners who played the games with mustard gas, did not suppose that the matching their own analysis with the analysis and medical records of their victims, including my dogs, will connect so many dots, that now the case looks like a platinum alloy. The clowns-kamikaze forgot the basics of chemistry: mustard gas does not choose whom to kill. This stupid poison affects both - the victim, and the poisoner equally, and the poisoner even more. Let's forgive this stupid gas, it is just gas, it has no brain, just chemistry.
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