Holy Bitch Diary: October 27th, 2023

📖October 27, 2023 🦈Orlusha has such a poetic opus about Perm, about shit throwing competitions. I'm not good at poetry, and only Orlusha can write like Orlusha. That's why I tell you in pure prose. I'm sitting in the kitchen in a long-suffering apartment on Maslennikova 16. As usual, I work. All my activities boil down to the four simple classes: work, study, do dogs and myself, sleep. And it's happening last week, just after my next visit to the mental hospital. In case you missed everything - a small update. Since my litigation has reached apotheosis, the stinky, Tanyushka, and their leaders from the Sistema "SberAlfaVTB" began to have a death agony. Therefore, the stinky in principle is in a state of hysteria and insanity nonstop - it is clear which criminal will survive to live in the same territory with the plaintiff, and personally watch as the plaintiff buries the stinky with the tanyushka, their chiefs and henchmen from the local mentee. The stinky therefore calls the tanyushka and depicts the extreme degree of indignation, hysteria, loss of speech, and complains about all possible diseases that this oligophrene has from birth or simulates, and in his broken stinking language screams, cries and hisses that it is supposedly my fault. Try to step on the eggs of your enemy, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself. Tanya's ass is also burning in full, so she writes to various mental hospitals and police that I'm allegedly crazy, and offers to start my inpatient treatment immediately. However, in her pathetic records, Tanyushka forgets my name, and writes about Andreeva Anna Sergeevna, with some other date of birth. In short, after the fire, tanushka wrote another paper, according to the cunning plan of stinky and tanyushka, they decided to weigh the fire on me, and say that the arson of the apartment is not a stinky, but a mental patient Andreeva Anna Sergeevna. In short, they write their carts, and I go to have voluntary examinations. It's like a game - Tanya and stinky write that I'm seriously suffering from schizophrenia Andreeva Anna Sergeevna, who needs to be urgently closed in a madhouse. Then comes a psychiatrist, who is surprised not to find Anna Sergeevna Andreeva in the apartment, but discovers Raevskaya-Repnina with a Moscow residence, with the suitcases in the corner of the kitchen, and with papers on the initiation of a criminal case on the tricks of tanyushka and stinky, for this the visit ends. Then I take all the documents, go to the same hospital, and already to three doctors, the heads of the district psychiatrist (head of the department and head of the hospital) I tell the whole tragic story of tanyushka and stinky, and their agony in the struggle for other people's apartments, and I pass a voluntary psychiatric examination, according to the results of which I am given another certificate that I do not have mental disorders and I am healthy, according to three psychiatrists, two of whom manage the clinic and the psychiatric department. With each tanushka and stinky letter, they add to their future life (and for their "employers") by submission of each such letter about plus 4-7 years: the composition under Article 128 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and fully completed under Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. You've probably heard about this Anglo-Saxon law - several life sentences. Well, in fact, from such calls, sentences for astronomical 150 years of imprisonment, five life sentences, and so on are taken. In short, last weekend, instead of preparing for the test, I was preparing for the test in a psychiatric hospital, correctly speaking for a mental health check. Only a real schizophrenic comes to such events unprepared. As a result, my test at the Samara Psychiatric Hospital and a completely free certificate (thanks, Tanya) from three respected psychiatrists of the state hospital cost me 5 points on the test: I scored only 95% on the test out of 100%, and now I'm worried whether this will affect my diploma in the United States with honors. Tanya, as a creature not very familiar with the law, does not understand the simplest thing: a criminal case is initiated by an investigative committee where there is a killing list and crimes of law enforcement officials. The very fact of initiating a criminal case with the SK RF already clearly determines the sane composition. Therefore, Tanya and stinky continue their agony and write sweeping letters, continuing to add a new term to themselves by each of them. So, I'm sitting in the kitchen, having passed the test for 95% of 100% at an American university (if you do not know, more than 50% of first-year students do not get a diploma because of failure, the story of a bad American education is for a sucker - to sincerely believe that Russian education is the best), and having received another test for the highest score "healthy" in the mandatory program in the Samara Psychiatric Hospital. And, of course, I've already sent my volumes of certificates that I'm mentally healthy (thanks to Tanya) which is called to whom it may concern. The stinky rustled with something in his pissed-off wards, and then suddenly he started to yell (he found a speech again - we have fcking miracles here every day more than the biblical ones) "Was everything in vain?", and began to moan and yell. It should be noted here that the stinky with his employers sat tightly in my phone, computer, mailbox and e-mail, and everything I do became known to them quite quickly. By the way, this is one of the reasons why wonderful people from law enforcement agencies do not send me real correspondence to my emails and papers by mail. We have a blind game. Even I don't know in which court the conviction of the stinky and the company will be, I guess that it's not in Samara, but except for collecting things, documents, and being ready, I did not receive other instructions. In short, the stinky found out that I got a credit for the "healthy" grade and was very upset. Then everything was like Zadornov's: "Since the overloaded barrel was much heavier than himself, it was dim or not dim, it didn't matter anymore." The stinky defiled in his pissed lord's robe to the toilet. For twenty minutes he rustled and washed there, knocked with basins and buckets, that I even decided for a moment that the stinky decided to get a human appearance. No shit, my friends. The door to the bathroom opened, this newly made Oblomov appeared on the doorstep, holding something big thick and brown in his hands, which then defiled into the kitchen with this nutella of a toilet spill, slapping the floor where I live, cooking food for myself and dogs, and threw it into the trash can, pouring the kitchen, the handles of the headset, and the mixer. That's the way, my friends. This bastard brought from the bathroom full hands of his own shit, with which he smeared everything around me. I spent the next three hours laundering shit with chlorine, and threw away a trash can with the stinky's shit, as the cost of detergents exceeded the cost of buying a new bucket. The next day, the stinky, accusing me of schizophrenia and throwing out a trash can, bought his own trash can, which he put in his own pissed penates. And I'll say this: that's nice, all the shit should be in one place. At the end of today's post with glorious sagas about the stinky, Tanya, and their daughter, I want to explain why I'm not Andreeva, but suddenly Raevskaya-Repnina with a triple name, and also with the nickname Meggi Göring. It is this question that for some reason is especially disturbing the brain of the stinky, tanyushka, their daughters and all their other friends, sympathizers and employers tormented by Narzan. In 2009, I transported Valery Sergeevna Shumilova, a stinky and tanyushka daughter, to Moscow. A stinky with a certificate that he is a psycho, an alcoholic and a drug addict with 20 years of experience. Tanya on the female line, as she claims, everyone has schizophrenia. Lera is a certified mentally ill. Why the Tanya herself has not yet put a test on the schizophrenia - this small misunderstanding will now be quickly corrected by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The daughter of two schizophrenics Lera suffers from down syndrome, frontal dementia, worked as a prostitute in Moscow for pleasure. After moving to Moscow, this Orekhovskaya gang's family developed its turbulent activities. Prostitute-down Lera began to write false denunciations against me to the police, and together Lera and Tanya began to try to be friends with my friends and colleagues, who were desinformed by them that I was their own biological relative. Obviously, with such genetics, calling me a daughter and sister is like making me a diagnosis. But that's not all! Tanya with a stinky actively told everyone that they had two daughters with schizophrenia. And Lera Shumilova took the pseudonym of Lera Andreeva in social networks, and began to tell everyone that she was Anya Andreeva's sister. This "sister" - a prostitute down - wrote not only packs of statements to the police, she wrote in MTS, where the Board's Chairman Felix Evtushenkov. Lera wrote that I control the world around her, prostitutes-down, read her thoughts, and organize "controlled speaking" - that people around her repeat her thoughts because I'm in collusion with them. The story of repeatedly expulsions from the university for chronic academic failure was also heard at the University of Oil and Gas, under the tutelage of Gazprom, where a down prostitute studied and at the same time Felix received his second higher education. The feats of "lera andreeva," "native sister of anya andreeva," sounded very aloudly there according to the program. Well, I just worked modestly on the boards of directors under the leadership of Felix. The presence of such an honorable biological relationship according to the version of stinky and tanyushka - with two prostitutes with schizophrenia and schizophrenic suffering from chronic alcoholism and drug addiction destroyed my career. Genetics and origin determine everything in our lives. The plume of genetic pathologies in such "relatives" makes it impossible to work on the board of directors - no one needs a person whose decisions will be protested tomorrow due to the risks of his legal capacity. I was punished to leave the Systema. Then I broke a chair in one of Gazprom's DZKs. I had not only to change my name, but for 9 years to crawl through hell to explain what the fck is going on and to prove that the stinky, tanushka, and their prostitute daughter down lera are not my biological relatives, and therefore I am who I am by origin, and do not have any genetic pathologies and diseases that give reason to question my sanity. Why did I choose such a long first and last name? Princes and dukes have no surnames and patronymic, princes have a long compound name indicating the dynasty and belonging to the genus or geography. With my pedigree, the full dynastic name is very long. By law in Russia, I can't wear it. I can't take the names of all my direct ancestors either. I also could not take real surnames by father and mother, in connection with the cases of Anatoly Onoprienko and the Nuremberg Trials. Therefore, for the Russian passport, I took the names of my two direct ancestors, whose surnames and exploits were undeservedly forgotten, and their reputation was defamed: this is my great-great-great-grandfather, General Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky, the hero of the 1812 war, and my great-great-great-great-grandfather General Field Marshall, Governor of Riga, Nikolai Vasilyevich Repnin. I hope to restore their good name with my life and deeds. Taking these surnames, I attribute myself with the main existential activity of my family: to be a part of the hereditary military aristocracy of royal origin, to serve people and fatherland. It is our profession, chosen for us by our origin. As for the names, of all the dynastic names I can wear, I chose the three most simple ones. Such a complex name protects me and my property well: only those who have seen my passport and had a legitimate relationship with me can write it correctly and indicate my correct data. As for Meggi Göring's name, I would take this name right away from the beginning, but the attitude towards my great-grandfather Herman Göring does not allow me to do it yet. Edda Göring is my legal biological grandmother. I really hope that there will be a happy moment in my life when I can officially bear my name Meggi Göring with my passport. I love my family very much, and the inability to wear a genetic name and invent intermediate options for obtaining a passport upsets me. Obtaining a passport of a country that for me from a dynastic point of view is a fatherland, issued in my dynastic name is one of my long-term goals. At the same time, the traditions of regular name change and dynastic naming are the norm for my pedigree, but unusual for the inhabitants. It is not surprising that people who do not know my entire history, origin, and pedigree, are not able to sensibly assess my actions, making typical logical mistakes: not having specific knowledge, trying to assess the subject that requires them. 👩‍💻The illustrations are here: https://pin.it/6eQQSKZ https://pin.it/1BljNZJ https://pin.it/5lAJmku 🖤Follow me: #meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #ceoboost #ceohasheight #gediminid #rurikids #houseofskjold #meggifromhouseofskjold #meggifromskjold #carlovinginans #daughterofskjold #intheblack #boost #boostcmg #hasheight #roadup #2R #turnaroundguide #ultraantifraud #rbs #rbsmoscow #raevskayabusinessschool #bleksheep #bleksheepdigitalfarm #boostbta #pimpmybusiness #businesstuningatelier #businessplayhouse #blacksarcasmblog #holybitchdiary #moscow #russia #impactinvesting #impactinvestments


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