Book of the day

🦈When I studied in Oxford, in the study books we've got a one written by Balthasar Gracian. It was a supplement for the course of strategy taught by Prof. Marc Ventresca. I found this book to be one of the triggers that led me to amend my own blueprint and relaunch my business school. "Knowledge and courage are the elements of Greatness. They give immortality, because they are immortal. Each is as much as he knows, and the wise can do anything. A man without knowledge, a world without light. Wisdom and strength, eyes and hands. Knowledge without courage is sterile." Balthasar Gracian, The Art of Wordly Wisdom. Hence, wit and grit are not enough to achieve the success. Goals setting, strategy, action plan, productivity management, multiple intelligence, attitude, ethics, intrinsic motivation, stress management, and the power of spirit are the minimal set of essential things making dreams come true. 🖤Follow me: #meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #ceoboost #ceohasheight #gediminid #rurikids #houseofskjold #meggifromhouseofskjold #meggifromskjold #carlovinginans #daughterofskjold #intheblack #boost #boostcmg #hasheight #roadup #2R #turnaroundguide #ultraantifraud #rbs #rbsmoscow #raevskayabusinessschool #bleksheep #bleksheepdigitalfarm #boostbta #pimpmybusiness #businesstuningatelier #businessplayhouse #blacksarcasmblog #holybitchdiary #moscow #russia #impactinvesting #impactinvestments


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