Stop Domestic Violence

Yesterday I was beaten again by members of my "Orekhov family." I was beaten by Shumilov Sergey Mikhailovich 04.08.1955 year of birth, a native of the city of Kuibyshev. He tried to crush my head, face, body with a door, after which he pushed me with all his strength, from which I fell flat on my back, resulted in I had an ovarian rupture, an injury to my back and hip. There are multiple hematomas and bruises on my body. Shumilov Sergey Mikhailovich took away my phone, and tried to kick me out of the apartment, the ownership of which I am now registering to the benefit of myself on the basis of court decisions. Then, when I left for the hospital, in my absence, the "caring daddy" together with Shumilova Tatiana Vladimirovna born on 29.12.1955, a native of the city of Samara, and Andreeva Olga Vladimirovna, called the police, accusing me of kicking the "daddy" out of the house, stealing and destroying his documents in connection with the fact that I allegedly suffering from schizophrenia. In the evening, when I returned from the hospital, Olga Vladimirovna Andreeva told the police in my presence that I had gone crazy and went for a walk for four hours leaving my "dad" on the street without keys, and that the certificate of my ovarian rupture and the certificate from the emergency room were fake, and no one beat me. All description, documents and photos of injuries are posted here: 👩‍💻Read the whole story: 🦈🖤🎞Follow me: #meggi #meggifromhouseofskjold #ceoboost #meggifromskjold #daughterofskjold #sisterofgoering #meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #annamariaserafimaraevskayarepnina #мэгги #мэггигёринг #раевскаярепнина #аннамариясерафимараевскаярепнина #stopdomesticviolencece


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