My Inventions

🦈I am an author of several inventions. The information about those which were already announced and submitted for registration, you may find in this section of my website. Also, I am an author of all designs, web pages, and their content which you observe in the internet on the websites of mine and my businesses. 👩‍💻Read more about my inventions: 🦈🖤🎞Follow me: #meggi #meggifromhouseofskjold #ceoboost #meggifromskjold #daughterofskjold #sisterofgoering #meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #annamariaserafimaraevskayarepnina #raevskayarepninainventions #8plugandplaybusinesstrackerraevskayarepnina #hironeuronetconnectorraevskayarepnina #crystalballartifactraevskayarepnina #pinksapphireartifactraevskayarepnina #smartlinksraevskayarepnina #hasheightraevskayarepnina #boostraevskayarepnina


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