Holy Bitch Diary: September 2nd, 2023

📖September 2nd, 2023 🦈On August 30, 2023, I carried out a general cleaning in the apartment located at the city of Samara, Maslennikov Avenue, house 16, apartment 13 due to the fact that my dogs had an exacerbation of symptoms similar to those described in the literature as symptoms of goipros, and there was a monstrous smell in the apartment in the corridor. In the apartment I do not have access to the rooms, because they are inhabited by Shumilov Sergey Mikhailovich, who closes in them from the inside and practically does not leave them. For this reason, I'm in the kitchen, and I keep things in a niche. Some of my things are publicly available. In the corridor there is a sofa brought to the apartment by Shumilova Tatiana Vladimirovna. The source of the smell was the sofa, which was wet and doused with some unknown substance of yellow-gray-brown color, exuding a terrible stench, when inhaling the smell, I immediately began purulent-mucous secretions from my throat, nose and lungs. I took off the soft parts of the sofa and took them to the barn to be examined to determine the chemical composition of the substance. On August 31, 2023, I discovered that under the table in the kitchen, in close proximity to my sleeping place, where I sleep with dogs, there are my things from which the same smell emanates and with close inhalation of vapors, the flow of abundant purulent mucous secretions from the nose, throat, and lungs also begins. I packed these things and also took them to the barn. On September 01, 2023, I found in the kitchen a large number of empty egg packages, cardboard and polypropylene, with a porous structure that easily absorbs odors and substances. I collected them in a garbage bag, which Sergei Mikhailovich Shumilov bought a few days ago to throw them away. The bags in size and shape did not fit our trash can, but were strange in shape, long and narrow. On September 1 in the morning I washed the floor, and found that the skirting boards were torn off in the corridor, on the back of which there are several layers of liquid nails, that is, the baseboards themselves could not come off, and by the nature of the detachment it is obvious that significant force was required to tear off the skirting boards. In the apartment on Bakinskaya in Moscow, the baseboards were also torn off, and according to my assumptions, a poisonous chemical substance was applied between the floor and the wall under the baseboards, as it is almost impossible to wash the substance under the skirting board. After a while, S.M. Shumilov left the room, who asked me where the portable refrigerator was. I also put it in the barn, because it stood next to the sofa, was made of porous plastic, and could also absorb odors. Earlier I reported in my statements that on my documents and things there were spots of color similar to the spots that were on the sofa on Maslennikov Avenue, 16, apt. 13 as described above. Shumilova T.V. and Shumilova V.S. stored in their apartment in Moscow (19 Bakinskaya St., apt. 13) a large package (volume of about 3.5-5 l) of medical tampons, the ends of each of them were colored with a substance of a similar color, the purpose of the tampons is unknown. In addition to tampons, they kept several green Auchan cloth bags filled with medical flasks marked with dates, inside which there was some liquid and cotton swabs, and there was a note "try and see what will happen" (in this apartment my dogs and I had symptoms clearly similar to those described in the medical literature as appearing as a result of exposure to small doses of the substance ipot on the animal), in the period 2021-2022. The same tampon and cotton swabs in a bottle of liquid were found by me in an apartment in Samara on Maslennikov Avenue, house 16, apartment 13 at my first arrival on 30.10.2022 - 01.11.2022. Tonight, after I arrived from the hospital as described below, S.M. Shumilov in front of me in the corridor left his room with some transparent bowl filled with colorless liquid, which he splashed on the floor. I was in the hallway at that moment and I noticed it. He splashed on the floor right next to me, near the sofa, I was disassembling things in the niche at that moment. A few minutes later, I began to have sharply purulent mucous discharge from the nose, throat and lungs, I accidentally looked down, where the colorless liquid was spilled, and saw that it dries and acquires a yellow-brown color, similar to the color of the substance with which the ends of the tampons I found in the apartment of Shumilova T.V. and Shumilova V.S. on Bakinskaya St. 19, apt. 13, on the color of the spots on the sofa on Maslennikov Avenue, house 16 apartment 13, and on the color of the spots on my things and documents, which, including in my presence, was doused by V.S. Shumilov with some substance. The documens also exuded vapors, from the inhalation of which I began the discharge of purulent mucous secretions from the nose, throat and lungs. In November 2022, when I arrived at the apartment at Samara, Maslennikov Avenue, house 16, apartment 13, I found that the entire bathroom was covered with a thick layer of yellow-brown plaque, which, when washed away, left a plaque of the same yellow-brown color as the substance spilled by Shumilov S.M., applied to the sofa, my things and documents, and tampons that were stored by Shumilova T.V. and Shumilova V.S. After the washing in the bathroom, me and my dogs became to have many ulcers, boils, ulcers, red rash. Shumilov S.M. and Shumilova T.V. (who in November 2022 lived together with Shumilov S.M. in an apartment located at the city of Samara, Maslennikov Avenue, house 16, apartment 13, contrary to the earlier decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Samara to evict T.V. Shumilova and V.S. Shumilova from this apartment), informed me that this raid was a consequence of the alleged bay from above, but according to the available documents the bay of the bath was not carried out at all. I was not allowed to wash the bathroom of T.V. Shumilova and S.M. Shumilov, and it was also forbidden to call the rented cleaners for cleaning. As I previously noted in my statements, in March 2023, T.V. Shumilova, together with her accomplices, evicted me to live in an apartment located at Samara, Maslennikov Avenue, 16, apartment 13. After my arrival for about a month and a half, the situation was unhealthy because S.M. Shumilov demonstrated aggression towards me, repeatedly tried to hit me, beat my dog with a vacuum cleaner. Then, from the end of April, I began to be absent from the apartment because I went to work in the library, and after a few days of my daily absences, my dogs began to suffer sharply with the same disease with which they were ill at the addresses in Moscow on Bakinskaya St., 19, apt. 13 in the apartment of Shumilova T.V. and Shumilova V.S., and in the apartment of Fomina S.Y. at the address of the city of Moscow, Malaya Tulskaya St., 2/1 k.3, apt. 12, and the same one with which they are sick now, the clinical sympoms of which are similar to those described in the literature as a result of exposure to microdose and fruit. As dogs have become worse and worse in the last couple of weeks, I removed all things and documents on which any chemical could be applied, but there was no improvement in the condition, and the dogs showed signs of lesions similar to those that could appear from direct interaction with the substance (places on the body and paws of animals that come into contact with the floor when they lie or sit. I began to watch what was going on in the apartment in my absence, and found that after my departure, Shumilov S.M. closes the dogs in the bathroom. There were two rugs in the bathroom. I came to the apartment, shook the mats, and evaporation came from them, from which I began to cut and burn in my throat, nasopharynx and lungs, my face and hands scratched. After I spent a few days in the apartment, and did not leave the dogs alone, they were not in the bathroom, but were next to me in the kitchen, the symptoms weakened significantly and the dogs got better. S.M. Shumilov himself does not wash at all, does not go into the bathroom, at best once a day, decitate in a jar in his rooms. He also hardly appears in the kitchen. That is, in the places where I and my dogs are, and there were objects, things and documents with traces of yellow-brown spots, emitting clearly perceptible chemical vapors without a specific smell, Shumilov S.M. tries not to be at all. On my complaints about the bathroom, S.M. Shumilov told me that the mats were doused by T.V. Shumilova in July 2023, when she lived in the apartment for some time. However, after her departure, the mats were repeatedly washed, I personally did it at least three times, and therefore an unknown substance was applied to them in the period after the departure of Shumilova T.V. September 01, 2023 at about 1 p.m. in an apartment in the city of Samara on pr. Maslennikova d.16 sq.13 came an unknown man who installed locks on the rooms in which Shumilov S.M. is constantly located. After that, I made claims to S.M. Shumilov regarding torn skirting boards, rugs and a sofa covered with an unknown substance. In response, S.M. Shumilov began to insult me in response, then demand that I "groom in the village in Bunkovo," and began to push me out by his hands of the kitchen. Then he took away my phone, went and locked himself with him in the rooms. I started asking for my phone back, but S.M. Shumilov didn't open the door for me. Outside the door, I heard him talking to T.V. Shumilova, to whom he told that he can't stand with me anymore and asks her to come immediately to get rid of me. I started knocking on the door of the room and asking him to give my phone back. Shumilov S.M. came up to this and opened the door so that I could stop calling him and knocking on the door, but as soon as I tried to enter the room, Shumilov S.M. began to try to crush me with the door (a double-leaf entrance door to the room). With the door slash, S.M. Shumilov struck me several blows to the head (the scalp area), face, hands and legs, then pinched me completely between the doors and began to try to crush me by doors. Then I managed to snatch my phone from his hands, which I put in my pocket. After that, S.M. Shumilov pushed me out of the door of the room into the corridor, and began to try to push me out of the apartment. I began to resist, clinging my feet to the front door, and breaking out of the hands of Shumilov S.M. Then S.M. Shumilov pushed me back very hard, which is why I fell flat on the floor on my back, as a result of which I hit my back, lower back and sacrum. Shumilov S.M. fell on top of me. Then the fight stopped, and since I received threats from T.V. Shumilova that if I call the police, I would be illegally forcibly hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, I did not call either an ambulance or the police to the apartment, but took my bag and immediately went to the emergency service in the hospital named after them. Pirogov to claim the beatings, and about that I informed S.M. Shumilov, who was in the apartment at that moment. I left the apartment between 14-41 and 15 o'clock, I can't remember more precisely. On my way to the hospital, I began to have a sharp increase in pain, upon arrival I could no longer sit or lie down without pain. In the hospital, I was diagnosed with a bruise of the lumbosacral spine of the back and spine, bruises and hematomas of the shoulder, and I was diagnosed with an ovarian rupture that occurred as a result of a fall when I was pushed by Shumilov S.M. In case of ovarian rupture, emergency hospitalization and surgery are indicated, but in some cases, if there is no heavy bleeding, conservative treatment is allowed as an exception. Since I did not have external bleeding, I refused the hospitalization offered to me (I was offered to go to the hospital for 5 days for an examination of injuries and follow-up, after which a decision was to be made on the operation). Since my dogs, my belongings and documents remained in the apartment, I wrote a refusal of hospitalization. When registering my appeal in the trauma center, the doctor gave me a certificate addressed to Raevskaya Anna-Maria-Serafima Sergeevna. According to the doctor, this is the data about my full name in the database of compulsory health insurance policies was made by the company Reso, which issued me such an insurance in Moscow. With the same data in July 2023, in the episode of 10.07.2023, both "parents" were tried to illegally forcibly hospitalize me in the Samara Psychiatric Hospital by Shumilova T.V. and Shumilov S.M. Also in the emergency room, the doctor refused to indicate my hematomas in the certificate, explaining that allegedly their certificate has no legal force, and a forensic examination will be carried out. Finally, they added this phrase. In the hospital, an employee of ESD of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Samara got explanations from me, who was summoned by hospital staff. In the hospital where my examination was carried out, I was until about 19-40. Then I went out and went back to the apartment. When approaching house 16 on Maslennikov Avenue, I saw a group of 5 people: 2 Rosgvardia employees, 2 police officers, and Andreeva Olga Vladimirovna. I came up and asked what had happened. I was asked why I kicked S.M. Shumilov out into the street, who allegedly sits in front of the door for four hours without keys and can't get in to the apartment, and that they are going to break the door to the apartment. I replied that I was in the hospital, where I went after I was beaten by Shumilov Sergei Mikhailovich, which caused my ovarian rupture. On this, the police officer told me that I do not have any ovarian rupture, but there is another disease, according to Andreeva Olga Vladimirovna - mental. I showed certificates from the hospital to them. Pirogov and traces of beatings. Then I went upstairs and opened the door, Sergei Mikhailovich Shumilov stood at the door on the stairwell. I don't know how and why he got there, and where his apartment keys are. I went into the kitchen, took off my backpack, looked at the condition of the dogs, saw my Carrie's dog covered with a new portion of ulcers and blisters, and heard that the group of people I met did not disperse from below, and Andreeva Olga Vladimirovna gives them a loud voice about the alleged presence of a mental disorder, and that T.V. Shumilova is going to transfer me to a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment for a long time. I went downstairs and asked the police what's the problem and if they had any more questions for me. On this Andreeva O.V. began to claim that allegedly I left Shumilov S.M. on the street without keys, stole and destroyed all his documents, including a driver's license, threw away his phone. I replied that I did not steal or throw away any documents, that the documents were transferred by him to me voluntarily and independently as part of the assignment to conduct his affairs, and everything that was given to me is in the apartment and I can return it right now. Then the police officers expressed a desire to go upstairs and interview me. I, two police officers and Andreeva O.V. went up to the apartment where S.M. Shumilov was already located. He presented the police officers his driver's license, from his words and from the words of Andreeva O.V. stolen by me. It was at Shumilov S.M. a few days ago, when I went to the video camera application, I also saw that in my absence a social worker came to Shumilov S.M., to whom S.M. Shumilov showed empty folders with documents, and shouted that I stole them (a sound was heard on the camera). Also about a week ago, through an open window, I heard S.M. Shumilov shouting to Yu.A. Morozov (the talk was under the window, Morozov was previously mentioned by me in statements as illegally taking possession of a barn where the personal belongings of my testators I.R. Shumilova and M.N. Shumilov were found) that I had stolen all S.M. Shumilov's documents and his driver's license. This morning, S.M. Shumilov also demanded that I give him a driver's license, which he presented to the police in the evening, because he had it. I note that earlier I discovered the absence of a large number of my father's documents, on the fact of which I submitted applications to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Samara region. Also this morning, S.M. Shumilov accused me of stealing the scissors that hung in front of him. Some time ago, S.M. Shumilov also accused me of stealing Bobik shampoo from fleas, calling me a liar in response to refusing to confess to stealing shampoo. The shampoo was discovered by me on August 31, 2023 when cleaning the bathroom, hidden in the pedestal of the sink, in the hole behind it. Also Shumilov S.M. grabbed and pulled into his lockable rooms my pilot Belkin worth about 10 thousand rubles, and did not confess to the theft. Thus, in the context of history, either Shumilov S.M. suffers from a mental disorder or simulates it, because about 10 days ago when I began to publish in social networks the details of what was happening in apartment 13 in house 16 on Maslennikov Avenue, S.M. Shumilov had a sudden illness, expressed in the premonition that he would die now. The disease was accompanied by the artistic gait of a decrepit old man in combination with the constant dousing of the couch standing in the corridor with terrible shock doses of the chemicals described above, which I judge by the condition of my dogs and the monstrous stench that stood at that time in the corridor, from which I concluded that S.M. Shumilov interferes with his chemicals with the excrement of the Levretka dog living with him in the rooms, which has already registered poisoning with an unknown substance. In addition to pouring the sofa, S.M. Shumilov repeatedly left me dog stained diapers with the same composition in the trash can for the night. S.M. Shumilov's district therapist Abuzhyarova, who came at the call, did not confirm the fact of his impending sudden death, but noted the overall significant improvement. Thus, as I published in social networks the details of our coexistence with the poisoner (in my opinion, the answer to this will be reported by the investigation), he pretended to be a decrepit and weak dying old man, combining it with shocking chemical attacks. The last straw was yesterday, when I found garbage bags, perfect for packing dismembered limbs according to the type of foot, and Shumilov S.M. demanded that I immediately bring him a portable refrigerator, which he decided to use the other day. In short, the behavior of S.M. Shumilov began to cause me great concern, but the simulation or real mental illness with which he suffers is not known to me. So, having risen to the apartment, whose police officers Shumilov S.M. presented his existing and allegedly cunningly stolen by me and discarded driver's license and phone, the degree of distrust of me decreased, including after I showed police officers a letter from the State Criminal Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation about the initiation of criminal proceedings and the transfer of the investigation at the place of completion of the crime, to the Kuibyshevskoe MRSO of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Samara. However, Andreeva O.V. had a hands-free phone with a conversation with T.V. Shumilova, the essence of the conversation was that I simulated an ovarian rupture and bought a certificate that the doctors who issued me a certificate should be brought to justice, that I was allegedly ill with schizophrenia, which T.V. Shumilova was allegedly reported by some police officers, and only by the exceptional kindness of T.V. Shumilova allegedly refused my forced hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital proposed by police officers, writing, in her words, a receipt, that she would provide me with compulsory outpatient treatment. All this was repeated many times together with the statements of Andreeva O.V. and T.V. Shumilova that no one initiated criminal cases, that T.V. Shumilova did not owe me money for my apartments because I did not have apartments, and T.V. Shumilova did not sell them, and my opinion and the official documents from Rosreestr confirming it, which testify directly to the opposite (previously I were provided to the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation as part of the annexes to the submitted applications) are the fruit of my hallucinations due to my alleged schizophrenia. All this was repeated many times and at full volume in combination with the accusations of me by Andreeva O.V. and Shumilova T.V., from their words - based on the words of Shumilov S.M. that I stole all his documents and threw away. Then the collective idea of these three species mutated because I had to open a niche where I stored my things and documents, in order to avoid generous processing of their mustard gas, theft and damage by analogy with the addresses mentioned above. With the rupture of the ovary and internal bleeding as a result of beating me by S.M. Shumilov, instead of taking a position of complete rest with cold to the zone of injury according to the only diagnosis I currently have - a bruise of the lumbosacral zone of the back and spine and a rupture of the right ovary, I was forced to get about the centner of my documents, which included several thin folders with papers given to me by S.M. Shumilov and demonstrate both the availability of documents and readiness to give them immediately. Then Andreeva O.V. first claimed that I allegedly hid the documents (which, according to her own statements, had previously stolen and thrown away) and closed them in a niche. Then I reported that Shumilov S.M. has plenty of keys to the niche (for this reason I had to seal the niche). When this argument did not work, Andreeva O.V. and Shumilova T.V. began to demand from me (with a back injury and ovarian rupture) to immediately disassemble all the suitcases and hand over the documents to S.M. Shumilov, because otherwise, according to these citizens, he will never see them. Also, according to Shumilova T.V., I stole and hid some personal belongings of Shumilov S.M. I did not take any of his things and did not have such an opportunity, due to the fact that I do not have access to the living quarters he occupies. S.M. Shumilov also accused me of stealing documents that he did not have in principle, which were never given to me - in particular, a pension certificate, an agreement with Sberbank. I have never seen or received these documents, as well as many other documents existing in the imagination of S.M. Shumilov, sneaking theft and cunning vile destruction with the subsequent closing them (destroyed) in a niche, the keys to which S.M. Shumilov had, that was charged to me. According to Andreeva O.V., I hold the documents cunningly and by deception, at the same time managing to destroy and store them, as S.M. Shumilov, because of my alleged mental disorder, revoked the power of attorney he issued for me to conduct business, and now I hide the documents. I did not know anything about the fact that the power of attorney was withdrawn, and in principle, after clarifying the circumstances related to the personality of Shumilov S.M. and Shumilova T.V., I did not plan to use it. But Andreeva O.V. was aware of all the details reported to her by S.M. Shumilov. I guessed about the fact that they are close, much and often communicate by what home nicknames I was called by Shumilov S.M: - the words that only Andreeva O.V. called me. All this time, on a loudspeak as a spoiled record of Shumilov T.V. and Andreeva O.V. repeated that allegedly Shumilova T.V. will come in a week from Moscow to Samara, and sue to be recognized as insane, and closed for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital. Andreeva O.V. also told the police that I allegedly wrote a statement to the police that Andreeva O.V. and Shumilova T.V. were forcibly held me in the apartment of "their parents on Volzhsky Prospekt 39" where they mock me. After that, I asked Andreeva O.V. - whether she herself had a certificate that she was mentally healthy, since I had never written such statements. Andreeva O.V. did not have a mental health certificate, unlike me. However, the facts of the biography of Andreeva O.V., which almost never worked anywhere, allegedly because 50 Years in a row, when leaving home for work, she began diarrhea, raising great doubts about her own mental health and livelihoods. As a result, I informed the police that I did not drive S.M. Shumilov to the street, how he ended up on the street and where his keys are unknown to me, that when I left he was at home, and I went to take pictures of the injuries he caused to me, and if I start bleeding from an ovarian rupture now, I will go and agree to the hospitalization assigned to me. I showed traces of beatings, I provided certificates. A copy of the tests and examinations for which it will be possible, among other things, to conclude that the hypothesis regarding poisoning me with muster is true, I will be able to request only on September 04, 2023 in the office of the hospital named after Pirogov. Also, only on Monday I will be able to open a sick leave, for which I will need to reissue the insurance. In my opinion, the actions of Shumilova S.M., Andreeva O.V., Shumilova T.V. are aimed at ensuring that these persons avoid responsibility for the crimes committed against me, including beating me today, in order to prevent me from re-registration of my ownership for apartments which I have begun (Maslennikova 16-13, Lenina 16-10, Novo-Sadovaya 25-108), and taking measures to prove that these persons do not have kinship with me (genetic examination, correction of act records), since this directly implies confirmation of the fact of the death of my real parents, and therefore the loss of the criminals of the ability of criminals to realize their criminal intent to seize my inheritance rights and property, in connection with which I ask them to prosecute and elect for them to preventive measure in the form of detention in connection with their obvious danger to my life and health. I note that earlier in 2021, when I was beaten by V.S. Shumilova, causing me a cut head injury and a cut back injury to my dog Harry, T.V. Shumilova also reported to the ambulance and police officers knowingly false information that they had Anna Andreeva as guests, who fell with her head herself against the corner of the wall (while V.S. Shumilova struck me on the head with a glass object in the presence and under the supervision of T.V. Shumilova, who saw what was happening). I didn't see the blow, because V.S. Shumilova beat me subtly when I beckoned to take off my shoes only when I entered the apartment. T.V. Shumilova told the police that "daughters quarreled." Also a similar episode in fact - when Andreeva O.V. together with Shumilova T.V. were forced after this beating to make a directly contraindicated vaccination against COVID, and when I started anaphylactic shock after the first dose, Shumilova T.V. called me instead of ambulancr, a psycatric ambulance. Please, I beg you to stop the ongoing mockery of me and my dogs. Ovarian apoplexy is a life-threatening condition that can lead to my death. What else will this trinity Shumilova T.V., Shumilov S.M., Andreeva O.V. and their accomplices will do to me not know. I have every reason to fear for my life and health. I also ask you to initiate a criminal case on the fact of falsification of my medical history and information about me in the system of compulsory health insurance policies in connection with the renaming of me to Raevskaya Anna-Maria-Serafima Sergeevna, as being directly related to the criminal activity carried out against me. 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