Holy Bitch Diary: September 20th, 2023

📖September 20, 2023 🦈Continuing the topic about the creature with a claim to the mind of the AFK Alfa-VTB Systema, which gloriously entered itself into my life, killing my family members, and to which, as in a corporation of monsters, my children's socks were poured up (shares in my companies, my apartments, inheritance, cars, dogs, personal belongings, etc.), I want to express my human position on one important issue. Sometimes I wonder if everything could have gone differently in my life, and unfortunately every time life gives me new evidence that I was not given to live my life differently, because of my origin. My origin sets the direction of my whole life, and I can’t live someone else’s life. Among my relatives, I think I'm very lucky that I'm still alive so long. My heredity is bad in only one thing - almost 100% guaranteed violent death. In everything else, I am very grateful to God for being born in my family and for learning about my pedigree. Do I regret what I've lost in these few years of struggle to save my own life and life of my dogs? The question is rhetorical. All my life I've lived on the principle of "refuse to get." There were more than enough examples when following this principle led me to stunning success. It's a kind of strategy on the contrary - if you do it like everyone else, you won't survive in the red ocean. I do not regret material things, in the end, having learned that all of them were flooded  mustard gas  - I want to laugh with all my heart at those who stole them. If you consider how much and what I've lost in terms of things in the dry residue, it's a lot, but it hurts me in a completely different way. Having an absolutely amazing family (of course I'm talking about real relatives, not Orekhovskaya gang’s bastards), I actually lost the opportunity to communicate with my relatives. All my direct ancestors, who transferred me such a cumulative stock of genes, with the help of which I actually survived this nightmare, they died already. You can buy a new car, repair a house, a computer, fix all material losses. The only thing I regret, which is irreversible, is what these Orekhovo-Cocosovo bastards and their bosses did - they deprived me of communication with my family while its members were alive. I will talk to my family members never. Can you imagine what do I feel? I lost the greatest unrecoverable value - human communication with my family while it’s members were alive. The second thing that hurts me a lot is that these scums poisoned my dogs. And finally, the third is the shame with which these scum covered my family, entering into our pedigrees seashore with fake passports and forged genetic tests, like this Orekhovskaya family of parents-tourists. At some point, I stopped being afraid of physical death. I perceive it as an inevitability that overtakes every person in due time, and which for me means reuniting with my family, which I personally never knew because everyone except me died. What feelings did I feel when I fully learned my ancestry and origin? Quite simply - the desire not to disgrace my family and live my life with dignity in accordance with the principles that my family professed. They are expressed in two words - to serve the Fatherland. The only aspiration that drives me in my projects is not to drop the honor of my ancestors and live my life in such a way as to shamelessly write my name in the history of my family on a par with my direct ancestors: heroes who created great states and performed military and personal feats. For me, this is the most important motivation - to be a worthy representative of my dynasty. Everything else is secondary. 👩‍💻More stories are on my website: https://pin.it/3QJeAgE 🦈🖤🎞Follow me: #meggi #meggifromhouseofskjold #ceoboost #meggifromskjold #daughterofskjold #sisterofgoering #meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #annamariaserafimaraevskayarepnina #мэгги #мэггигёринг #раевскаярепнина #аннамариясерафимараевскаярепнина


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