Holy Bitch Diary: August 31st, 2023.

📖August 31st, 2023 🦈In general, I had never followed Shabbat rules before, exactly until 2023. Since this winter, I began to try to do what all Jews consider mandatory to commit, but to be honest, I did not succeed too much in it. My active character and active body could not accept the fact that you just need to turn off for a day and devote yourself to blissful doing nothing. In the end, I found a compromise - I began to devote Saturday to reading paper books. This simple thing, just one day a week to read paper books, turned out to be incredibly effective for me. The first book read on the Shabbat was a manual for forensic investigators of Gross, which strengthened my confidence in the correctness of the hypotheses made. One of the sections of the manual was devoted to the methods used by criminals to avoid punishment or escape from the investigation. One of the traditional and common methods is to simulate a disease, mainly deafness, memory loss, speech loss, dementia, and other mental disorders. It is enough to read the biography of any werewolf who, with a help of the ZR/RIFLE program, became an official in Russia in pursuance of the Ost plan, being already wearing the uniform of a monk, pop star, or other prominent figure. Most of them simulated schizophrenia or other mental disorders. Vivid examples are Vyacheslav Ivankov, aka Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev. There is a full set of parameters - both the origin from the two Nazis, and the imitation of death, and the simulation of schizophrenia, and the head injury with a passion for circus craftsmanship, in the end - a thief-in-law who became the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. His subordinates are just as worthy - Gena-Chervyak, serial killer Sergei Shcherbakov, and other scum of society, who now disguised as cassocks preach in social networks about how to live properly. Gena-Chervyak, Papa Nose, and the misognose Shcherbakov have a lot of fans. A vast flock is fed by fraudsters. Cancer simulation was actively used by another serial killer Sergei Tkach, better known in the world also as serial, but entrepreneur Oleg Tinkoff with a fake pedigree. Finally, a stinky opossum Shumilov Sergey Mikhaiovich with a fake passport, who sat in my inherited apartment, also plays out at the same time a selective loss of memory, speech, constipation, kidney disease, and schizophrenia, a certificate that he has a psycho. Only in the history of Samara, Orekhovskaya gang's graduates with a certified mental disorder, together with his Orekhovskaya gang girlfriend Shumilova Tatijana Vladimirovna with morbid obesity usually following the mental illness (like a part of schizophrenia symptoms) and sick on the whole head (she fried cockroaches on the stove, made gingerbread by order for children, and this despite the fact that there was a knee-le-deer mustard gas, and her hair in the kitchen, and she tried to force me to deliver this "gingerbread" to the customers - by the way, don't think about ordering anything from her. The explosive mixture of mustard gas, cockroach shit and her pubic hair can only be acquired by gourmets like herself or such as Orekhovskaya gamg's stinky opossum). Yesterday, the stinky possum doused the entire sofa (which I used to be allocated as a bed) with his poisonous chemistry and closed the windows more tightly so that my dogs would get sick faster. Since the chemistry turned out to be fresh and caustic, the sofa went for forensic examination along with other things poured at previous addresses in Moscow on Bakinskaya and Malaya Tulskaya. Well, there were some little things, from which there was also a train, be healthy. Let the experts now to understand, pour different substances on my things, documents and the sofa, or the same thing. This stinky schizophrenic is fully confident that if he has not yet been put his face on the floor, it will never happen, a complete moron. How else could we get such amazing fresh samples of his chemical poison and his DNA. I have DNA tests for myself and my dad. It is obvious that the stinky schizophrenic from Orekhovskaya gang is clearly not a prince from the Gediminids. Or, may be he expected that somebody wil invite him for tests? Haha. No. In short, it's better not to order gingerbread from these assholes - they have certificates that they are crazy, and if your children from the gingerbread go to heaven, then these homegrown confectioners will still cover their asses with a certificate from the mental health hospital that they are psychos. Digital image: by Kazuaki Horitomo. 👩‍💻Read the full story here: https://pin.it/1rL2W8p 🦈🖤🎞Follow me: #meggi #meggifromhouseofskjold #ceoboost  #meggifromskjold #daughterofskjold #sisterofgoering #meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #annamariaserafimaraevskayarepnina #мэгги #мэггигёринг #раевскаярепнина #аннамариясерафимараевскаярепнина


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